“I tramp a perpetual journey.” -Walt Whitman

How about some wanderlust with our wonderlust?

I haven’t been able to travel much during my lifetime, so even the shortest journeys are cherished. Existing in a new place offers intrigue and anonymity beyond anything we can experience in our own neighborhoods. A trip is a temporary redefinition of self – of habits and routines, of interactions and hobbies, of views and thoughts. Shift your vantage point and the whole world morphs around you.

The arrival to a new place, to ground untrodden with sights unseen and air unutilized, is one of the principle moments of any journey. Possibilities collapse and expand with every rotation of the tires. Crossing over the city limits is the pinnacle of penultimate moments – right before you’ve reached where you’ll stay, before you’ve met who you set out to see, before anything, before everything. It’s all waiting for you, for us all.

When Kathryn posted about her form of musical meditation yesterday, I was moved by her honesty as well as her choice of music video. It hadn’t occurred to me that there was a trove of penultimate moments waiting to be experienced vicariously on YouTube. I found several to be enjoyed by Cosmo Photography. Here are two of my favorites:

These videos are maps come to life. They let you get into a car with a stranger. The connection to our guide need not be so tenuous though. Jason at Harsh Reality encouraged bloggers to share photos of what they see in their daily lives. So, observe these vignettes of my neighborhood. See if you can connect the points between who I am and where I am.


16 thoughts on ““I tramp a perpetual journey.” -Walt Whitman

  1. Nice post, M. I saved the videos to watch later. I’ve not traveled much outside of Chicago, but loved the times I was able to. Great ideas here on how to “travel” when you’re kinda stuck in one location. Thanks. 🙂

  2. Wheee!!!!

    So, now that I have video-posting capability on the Adventure, I’m thinking about buying a digital camcorder (do they still call them that? I feel I’m dating myself; our first one was one of the old shoulder-mounters) and doing some progressive filming of our travels to post on the blog.

    By the way, thanks for the nod. And for feeding the travel monster…

    1. 😀
      I don’t think you’re dating yourself, but then again I know next to nothing about cameras. You should definitely do this!

      You took my head that way, it was only fair to nod. I think your monster would enjoy steak and nachos, but maybe that’s just my appetite…

  3. Thank you for the ping back. I love the videos, they are a wonderful way to escape when you feel stuck, as I often do in my small town. Your home town looks beautiful! Maybe I should share my little piece of New Mexico.

  4. I’ve travelled a bit. I’ve also sung a bit which was when I was introduced to Whitman. ‘Blow bugles blow’ except I’d have to look it up to remember what I’m quoting …

  5. My long soccer career took me to 4 of the 6 livable continents so I’m a huge advocate of travel, not so much as a tourist, but as a long-term guest with natives. 🙂

    Your neighborhood looks VERY familiar to me, especially some school’s neighborhoods I’ve taught at. But I won’t mention the area here. 😉

  6. What a great idea, I love the Utah one, whereas the London one is as dull as dishwater to me, but relaxing in a way. Familiarity you see. I have many saved cycling videos for when I use my trainer indoors in the winter – as I cycle in my living room (on the Cloud of course), I watch the videos filmed from the front of bikes all over the world, and so can climb the highest mountains and zip along through Spain or Canada or anywhere else that a cyclist has been kind enough to film and upload to youtube. smiles There are more ways than one to travel the world.

    Sonmi upon the Cloud

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